No one likes it when someone makes a promise, and then breaks it, right? It makes us not want to trust that person any more when they make promises that we don't know if they will keep.
One of President Obama's promises to close the Guantanamo Bay Prison (Gitmo) has yet to be kept.
And thank GOD this is a promise that he has broken, so far. Why?
Well, for one thing, it is putting our country at risk for an even bigger (and possibly worse) terror attack, that could be worse than the Al Queada {spelling} attacks on September 11, 2001. Why?
Ok, here we go, and correct me (please) if I am wrong, but if Guantanamo Bay Prison closes, would that not send those terrorist prisoners to our state and federal prisons, where they may (possibly) eventually be released, into our cities in the U.S. where they [terrrorists]would (most likely) regain control and recruit more terrorists in order to orchestrate more (and even worse) terror attacks than the ones on 9/11/2001???
I mean, even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky) maintains that Gitmo should stay open.
Then we come to this next part of my 'essay' blog, is that he [Obama] wants to shut down (or disarm) all our nuclear weapons, and wants (even expects) Russia, Korea, and whomever else may have them to do the same.
Ok, again, and correct me (please) if I am wrong, but does this president REALLY, HONESTLY believe that our enemies will disarm themselves of their nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction?Just because Obama says he will do it if they will?
Someone please tell me that our president is not that foolish. I mean, seriously, what is happening to us? What is happening to our country?
9 minutes ago
Is he that foolish, or has this been his plan all along? I hate to answer your question with a question, but it's very possible this is all least tanking our economy is part of his plan. What better way to turn it into a welfare state?
Obama was stupid to put a date on closing GITMO because he had no plan. He's already released some of those terrorists. If he puts them in U.S. prisons, and the bleeding heart liberal lawyers and judges have any say about it, some may be released. I can't imagine anybody would want them in a prison near their neighborhood. I don't know what is wrong with's the perfect place to keep them.
As far as the nukes are concerned...he doesn't believe in "peace through strength" so he is willing to give up our weapons. He probably thinks his glorious magnificence will charm Iran and North Korea out of their nuke ambitions, but there he is mistaken.
The Obamanation is what's happening to our country and we can't stop opposing him, no way - no how.
Exactly, but here's the thing--he is that foolish and yes it has been his plan all along, and the reason is simple (even to a political novice like me) he just doesn't CARE.
I found this on the web:
After I typed in the question--what did President Obama say about closing Guantanamo Bay? It was listed like 2nd or 3rd in Yahoo search.
He knows it would be a huge mistake to close this prison down and send those 'demons' (which is exactly what they are) to our state and federal prisons. The problem is (of course) he just don't care. Remember--Obama hates our country. That is why he was elected president and that is why he is destroying us.
One policy at a time.
I agree, Obama hates America the way it is and wants to "fundamentally change" it (his words). Progressives and Liberals voted for him because he is of the same mindset...they're the ones who hate America and want to change it. But most people voted for him for other reasons. I think he was elected because the state-run media did not do their job and the people wanted "change" (unfortunately they didn't care what kind of change). A lot of people voted for him because he was going to "spread the wealth around" and bring "social justice". But others who voted for Obama have buyers remorse because they didn't really want to believe what was staring them right in the face if they would have only taken the time to look. I think a lot of people voted for him because he was going to be the first black president, so they overlooked everything and figured this was going to solve the race problems in our was a historical moment and they wanted to be part of it. Some people voted for him because of white guilt...if you don't vote for a black guy, people will think I'm a racist. I also think ACORN had a hand in it with the fake voter registrations.
Sorry for such a long comment...guess I'm on a roll.
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