Friday, October 23, 2009

The Lie House

Ok, it is absolutely amazing what kind of videos you can find when you search for one specific thing, and all of a sudden, you just keep finding more.

Well, I have no idea (right now) what to say myself, so I will just let the videos ddo the talking for me, while I work on my next blog topic.

And now, without further ado, I present you with the following videos for your viewing pleasure.

Obama on Healthcare

Obama on Iran 'Not Interested in Victory'

Obama Apology Tour

Obama quote...'We are out of money now'

Top Obama Contradictions

Obama Speaks about the U.S. Constitution

Obama About 'ACORN'

Obama and Marxism

1 comment:

Light Up Your Life said...

exactly the reason why I posted these videos. See, I really haven't had time to watch them all the way through in order to add my little snipets of comedic commentary yet, because while I was compiling these videos I was listening to the Ben Ferguson show, so I didn't get to listen to them really well.

I plan on doing that here in a minute and then adding some commentary after each one, so this post will actually get 'updated' in a little while, so stay tuned.

Thank you for the comment, and have a great weekend.

Ben Ferguson Show

Ronald Reagan Speech--A very good lesson for Obama to learn!

Ronald Reagan Speech--A very good lesson for Obama to learn!
Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.


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